Home > Saltwater > Kaimana > Inshore > Bait and Jig Rods

Bait and Jig Rods

Whether you are hunting local yellowtail to offshore tuna, fishing jigs or live bait, these rods have you covered. Don't let their good looks and lightweight fool you. In a good overall length of 7'6" they will cast a jig a mile and have the backbone to turn a monster without breaking your back. They are Carbon Fiber reinforced with a custom Irod Semi trigger reel seat and ringed foregrip for comfort grip and power. Look for addition lengths soon.


Model#LengthPowerLine WtLure WtAction
SWK763BR 7'6"MH Jig and Bait Rod 20-30lb2-6ozFast/Mod
SWK764BR7'6"H Jig and Bait Rod30-60lb2-6ozFast/Mod
SWK823BR8'2"MH Jib and Bait Rod20-30lb2-6ozFast/Mod
SWK824BR8'2"H Jig and Bait Rod25-60lb2-6ozFast

Medium Heavy Jig and Bait Rod


Lure weight:

Line weight: 20-30lb

Power: Medium Heavy

Action: Fast/Moderate

Heavy Jig and Bait Rod


Lure weight:

Line weight: 30-60lb

Power: Heavy

Action: Fast/Moderate

SWK823BR Medium Heavy Jig and Bait Rod


Lure weight:

Line weight: 25-60lb

Power: Heavy

Action: Fast

SWK824BR Heavy Jig and Bait Rod


Lure weight:

Line weight: 25-60lb

Power: Heavy

Action: Fast